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Don’t Be Next: How To Spot Email Spoofing Like An Expert
A Real-Life Spoofing Encounter: How a scammer impersonated a government entity and nearly fooled me into shipping a product.
Video: How to Handle Phishing Attacks
Phishing attacks aren't going away, but that doesn't mean you have to live in fear of them. Check out the video, arm yourself with knowledge, and feel more confident about your ability to handle this modern annoyance.
Phishing Crisis: A Step-By-Step Guide For School Districts & Nonprofits
So, how do you handle a situation where your staff, students, or constituents receive deceptive emails pretending to be from your management?
Bracing for the Debt Ceiling Deadline: A Guide for IT Security Professionals
During a federal shutdown, many government websites may cease operations or updates because of a lack of funding. This scenario creates challenges for IT security workers who rely on these resources for up-to-date cybersecurity guidelines, threat intelligence, and other critical information. So, it's essential to take precautions in advance.